Taking your declaration of faith, the shahada, is perhaps the most important moment of your life, the beginning of a new chapter and a formal acknowledgement of your becoming a Muslim.
Whether you are ready to take the next step, have questions you need answers to, or just want to learn more about Islam, you’ve come to the right place!
The Ceremony
Shahada ceremonies are usually intimate affairs. Typically, they are held in a private setting with just a handful of people serving as witnesses, alongside the officiating Imam and a member of Islamic Center.
The ‘shahada’ is the Islamic declaration of faith, which, when said freely and with conviction, (i.e. taking shahada), brings one into the fold of Islam, making them a Muslim. The declaration covers the most important beliefs: the oneness of God and the prophecy of Muhammad, God’s Blessings & Peace be upon him:
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ
Ashadu ʾalā ʾilāha ʾilla -llāhu,
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
wa-ʾashadu ʾanna Muhammadan rasūlu-llāh.
and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
Taking shahada could not be simpler. You just need to repeat the words in the shahada with conviction. If you would like to receive a certificate from Islamic Center of Cape Girardeau, two adult Muslim witnesses must be present.
You can take shahada anywhere and at any time! This can be at home, at work, in a garden, beach or of course a mosque! Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ* said ‘The whole earth has been made a mosque for me.’
*God’s Blessings & Peace be upon him.
Our shahada ceremony provides a formal context for you to take your shahada and an opportunity to invite those closest to you whilst receiving a certificate recognizing your acceptance of Islam. However, there is certainly no requirement to have such a ceremony for someone simply wishing to make the declaration of faith, although many do choose to.
There is no need to memorize or correctly pronounce the shahada in advance! Our Imam will slowly guide you through the process on the day. If you want to know the correct pronunciation, you can also search on google.
Absolutely! We encourage you to invite any close family members or friends you wish to have present, regardless of their faith – Muslims, as well as those of other faiths and none are all welcome! Just let us know in the form below how many you’re expecting!
Should you or your guests wish to take pictures at your shahada ceremony you are welcome to do so.
Though there is no formal dress code, out of respect for this place of worship, adult visitors are requested to observe modest dress that covers their arms and legs.
Absolutely! This is common and you may have several reasons for wishing to do this. We are happy to facilitate a formal ceremony for you here at our mosque.
Certainly. New Muslims are encouraged to visit us to learn about, and practice, Islam. Our website details our prayer times and events, both physical and virtual. We also encourage you to connect with Islamic Center of Cape Girardeau, a local support group, established over a decade ago that is run by and for converts as well as those with immediate family members who have converted.